BAC 96

Negotiating Co-Existence: Communities, Cultures and Convivencia in Byzantine Society

Barbara Crostini, Sergio La Porta (eds.)

Straddling Europe and Asia, the Byzantine Empire encompassed dozens of peoples and cultures. The essays in this volume, selected from a European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop held at Trinity College Dublin in October 2010, apply the controversial concept of convivencia, borrowed from Iberian studies, to the traditional structure of the Byzantine Commonwealth. Their overall purpose is to challenge dominant perceptions defining the identity of and interaction among the cultures of the Byzantine Empire.

B. Crostini: Introduction: Exploring Byzantine Convivencia
D. Woods: Maslama and the Alleged Construction of the First Mosque in Constantinople c. 718
R.F. Glei: John Damascene on Islam: a Long-Term History in Byzantium
N. Koutrakou: Language and Dynamics of Communication in Byzantium: the 'Image' of the Arabs in Hagiographical Sources
A. D’Ottone: Manuscripts as Mirrors of a Multilingual and Multicultural Society: the Case of the Damascus Find
M. Fincati: Tò ioudaikón: Greek Bible and Hebraica Veritas among Byzantine Christians and Jews
A.K. Vionis: 'Reading' Art and Material Culture: Greeks, Slavs and Arabs in the Byzantine Aegean
I. Toral-Niehoff: Constantine's Baptism Legend: a 'Wandering' Story between Byzantium, Rome, the Syriac and the Arab World
F. Dell’Acqua: The Fall of the Idol on the Frame of the Genoa Mandylion: a Narrative on/of the Borders
Ch. Lee: The Tale of the Veronica in Paris, BnF fr. 1553: an Example of Translatio studii et imperii?
J. Holo: Both Byzantine and Jewish? The Extent and Limits of Jewish Integration in Middle Byzantine Society
A. Peters-Custot: Convivencia between Christians: the Greek and Latin communities of Byzantine South Italy (9th-11th centuries)
S. Neocleous: Greeks and Italians in Twelfth-Century Constantinople: Convivencia or Conflict?
S. La Porta: Re-Constructing Armenia: Strategies of Co-Existence amongst Christians and Muslims in the Thirteenth Century

ISBN 978-3-86821-504-5, 300 S., kt., Euro 34,50 2013