The LWT contributes to meteorite and planetary research


Paper w cameron

Researchers at the Chair of Materials Technology have contributed to significant advances in meteoritics and planetary science. This multidisciplinary collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Sydney, Oxford, and California has resulted in the publication of a study of chondrule sizes in CM carbonaceous chondrites.

Chondrites are a type of rocky meteorite containing small, round grains called chondrules formed as molten droplets in space. Our team's innovative methods, including advanced 2D-to-3D data recovery and correction, revealed new insights into the similarities between CM (Mighei-type) and CO (Ornans-type) chondrites, suggesting a genetic link between the two groups.

This work, which is outside our regular research area, advances our understanding of the early solar system and demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of the research methods developed at Chair of Materials Technology.

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Paper w cameron

Researchers at the Chair of Materials Technology have contributed to significant advances in meteoritics and planetary science. This multidisciplinary collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Sydney, Oxford, and California has resulted in the publication of a study of chondrule sizes in CM carbonaceous chondrites.

Chondrites are a type of rocky meteorite containing small, round grains called chondrules formed as molten droplets in space. Our team's innovative methods, including advanced 2D-to-3D data recovery and correction, revealed new insights into the similarities between CM (Mighei-type) and CO (Ornans-type) chondrites, suggesting a genetic link between the two groups.

This work, which is outside our regular research area, advances our understanding of the early solar system and demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of the research methods developed at Chair of Materials Technology.

Read the paper here: