Female Clinician Scientist

Female Clinician Scientist is a sub-module of the Clinician Scientist Program within the framework of intramural research funding (FoRUM) of the RUB Medical Faculty, which since 2020 has replaced the previous successful rotation position program for clinically active female and male physicians.

The module is supported by funding from the state program "Chancen ergreifen, Forschung und Familie fördern – Programm für chancengerechte Hochschulmedizin in Nordrhein-Westfalen" (FF-Med), which explicitly serves to promote young female scientists in the field of medicine. The Faculty of Medicine aims in particular to support women who, due to their family situation (e.g. child-rearing periods, care of relatives in need of care or similar) or other circumstances, do not meet the tender criteria of the other module "Clinician Scientist".

Application is possible until 12.08.2024 to the Research Unit and should meet the following requirements.

  • The candidates can act as applicants themselves.
  • The persons to be exempted should have a doctorate at the time of application. In individual cases, a certificate from the doctoral committee stating that the doctoral criteria have already been met in full may be submitted.
  • The applicants are on house positions.
  • The submission of a release agreement from the head of the clinic must be attached to the application.
  • Also to be attached is an endorsement from the management of the respective clinic.
  • Applicants will be supervised by two mentors representing one clinical/theoretical/preclinical and one clinical department. The mentors must have at least the qualification level of a habilitation.
  • As a rule, only one Clinician Scientist position per module and year is awarded to an independent department. The positions are personal.
  • If experimental projects are planned, final approval can only be given after a positive vote by the ethics or animal protection committee.
  • The Clinician Scientist positions are awarded competitively depending on available funding.
  • At the end of the funding period, a final report must be submitted to the FoRUM Commission.
  • The submission of an interim or final report of previously funded rotational positions or Clinician Scientist positions is a prerequisite for consideration of new applications from the respective institutions.
  • Applications for extension or reapplications for already funded recipients within a module are not possible.

  • The call is aimed at clinically active female physicians interested in research at the beginning of their scientific career.
  • Applicants must have at least one original publication with any author position in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • The duration of the leave of absence can be 3 - 12 months, with flexibility as needed (e.g., no clinical activity for a few weeks or months, or one day a week off duty for an extended period).
  • Decisions on available applications are made during the September meeting of the FoRUM Advisory Board in consultation with the decentralized Equal Opportunity Officers of the Faculty of Medicine. The start of the funding measure can be made individually.
  • The application must be accompanied by a justification as to why the "Female Clinician Scientist" funding is being applied for instead of the Clinician Scientist module.