Numerical equipment


The chair has numerous Windows/Linux workstations, primarily used for method development and pre- and post-processing. Simulations with moderate levels of parallelization are carried out on the chair's own computing cluster. For highly parallelized computations, the chair relies on external high-performance computing resources, some of which are affiliated with the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS). Examples include the CLAIX HPC system at RWTH Aachen University or computing resources at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC).



  • ANSYS CFX as a campus license
  • OpenFOAM extended with proprietary developments (cavitation and multiphase models and solvers)
  • hydRUB: Block-structured in-house method, compressible pressure- and density-based solver, MPI, various statistical turbulence models, various cavitation models, spray, multi-species, moving grids.
  • NS3D: Block-structured in-house method in IDS. Functionality similar to hydRUB, but optimized for the post-processing of centrifugal pumps.
  • solver3dv2: Unstructured method for arbitrary mesh topologies, strongly object-oriented and modularly programmed. Additional functionality similar to hydRUB, with special functionality for fluid-structure interaction in oscillating displacement pumps.
  • Sibub: FORTRAN-based in-house method for simulating single bubbles.
Integrated Design System (IDS) for the design and optimization of centrifugal pumps
  • Originally developed at the Technical University of Munich on behalf of the VDMA Pumps & Systems. Based on JAVA and C++. The system consists of a graphical user interface (GUI), a design and optimization module, preprocessor, CFD code NS3D, and post-processing.
CFXToFOAM und FoamToCFDPost converter
  • In-house developed Python-based interface between ANSYS CFX pre- and post-processors and OpenFOAM for pump simulations.
  • CFXToFoam: Conversion of ANSYS CFX simulation setups to OpenFOAM setups.
  • FoamToCFDPost: Conversion of OpenFOAM simulation results into file formats readable by ANSYS CFD-Post.
CFD-post processing
  • TecPlot
  • ANSYS CFD-Post
  • various OpenSource Tools
  • Proprietary developments
Other softwares
  • Matlab
  • LabView